Jun 8, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

It doesn't matter if a dude throws a skirt on because he has a deep sense of interior femininity, or because he has a fetish around women's locker rooms. It's not fair for men to be in women's sports, it's not safe for men to be in women's spaces.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

The whole climate change is hurting kids' mental health is a huge pet peeve of mine. Let's concede for a moment, whether you agree or not, that climate change is a terrible thing that's going to make life harder for young people. Even if you believe that to be true, that's not a reason to continuously drum up anxiety in young people about it. We grew up with some significant threats - nuclear annihilation springs to mind - but while I was aware of them, I don't recall my parents using me as a pawn to "increase awareness" and "call for action" in terms of nuclear de-proliferation. Of course, some parents did that, but most didn't. However, it seems like many progressive / liberal parents consider it their job to tell their kids the earth is dying and that their life as adults will be a dystopian nightmare. They tell them their country is a racist hellhole. They tell them that they're likely to be shot any day while sitting in class. While you can count me in the "guns are bad" club and I'm furious that a single child has died by gunfire in school, I would never scare my kids by telling them they might be shot, any more than I'd give them nightmares about being crushed during an earthquake in school. Similarly, lots of parents wanting to be on the right team impressed upon their kids the extreme danger and severity of Covid, but forgot to mention that as kids, they were extremely unlikely to become seriously ill. Would you remind your child on a daily basis that hundreds of kids die of leukemia every year and hundreds more of other cancers?

Why do so many progressive parents want to terrify their children?

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