Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

It is indeed hard to imagine that the gross one-sidedness of bipartisan media insisting on Israel's complete righteousness could happen by mere chance. I am as astonished how people can get on TV and lie about what happened between 1917 and 1948 as I am that people can get on TV and lie about the goodness of medical interventions for youths with gender dysphoria. As if one can't think that 1)Palestinians got screwed by a naked land grab for the sake of a Jewish state in a place that hardly had any Jews when that goal was already being loudly telegraphed, but also 2)think that modern Israelis don't need to self-suicide to rectify selfish shit that happened in the 1930s and that the world would be a better place if the heads of Hamas dead enders were posted on spikes Game of Thrones style on the road to Jerusalem. It seems quite clear to me that Zionism is the "ideal type" of wokeness and has all the hallmarks of things hypocrites like Bari Weiss are typically railing against. Not that there isn't "sacred victimhood exempts me from rules" sanctimony to go around.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

I have only one plank in my platform and it's full of splinters.

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