Do I detect you are studiously avoiding using a pronoun for Semenya? I actually feel a bit bad for Semenya - what a cruel trick to raise her as female only for that to be revealed for the idiocy it is at puberty. She isn't completely the villain in this to me, but rather the administrative folks who won't stand up for reality. I also can't figure out why she isn't faster - she definitely looks much fitter than the average HS guy running a bit under 2:00 for 800m. And she looks much more put together running a bit under 2:00 than your average "this is the best I'll every be" 1:57 guy.

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Carole Hooven on Twitter: "Caster and others with her DSD are not females with "hyperandrogenism," i.e., abnormally high levels of testosterone. They are males with testosterone-producing testes and XY sex chromosomes, and normal levels of testosterone for their sex. They experience the physical benefits of this high testosterone during puberty, which translate into athletic advantages over females....So the “decision makers” are aware that athletes affected 5-ARD are male, and that they experience the benefits of male puberty. The requirement to reduce T to typical female levels isn’t discriminatory, since these are males who are asking to compete in the female category. But more significantly, all the relevant scientific evidence shows that reducing male T in adulthood does not undo the physical benefits of male puberty." https://twitter.com/hoovlet/status/1678772398617956355?t=HGPK0HPMGQSsnuOth-Z3NA&s=04&fbclid=IwAR0Cs4Fxz83dgIUCYv7TLkkcUupFZWJy5ew2_sSi8Vv-yG9HAFfbI5RsTsw

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