
It’s so funny that you use that example of the shopping cart! Yesterday, before I read this and had any thoughts placed in my head, I was doing my usual loop within the local grocery store picking up some bagels and things. As I approached a side aisle, this middle-aged woman had her big cart blocking most of the main aisle. I thought she could see me coming, I was far enough away and clearly approaching her, but she did not even make a move to clear any space. I have time on my hands so I was not in a rush but it was really irritating, so I just kept heading for the small space and ran my cart right through hers to get by. She tried scrambling at the last second to move her cart but it was too late, the metal carts clanking loudly. She was so exasperated she yelled after me, that was rude! I didn’t turn around and say anything, although I wish I had. I hope she got the point, but at least I felt a little better. I don’t know, maybe I was a dick.

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