The "non-binary elite runner" thing is such an obvious grift I can't comprehend how it isn't obvious. I can't think of any category aside from maybe "queer" that gives you the most victim-group cachet for the least actual suffering. The stolen valor of the identity world. Despite the idiocy of gender ideology, I can respect the life difficulties of having true fundamental lifelong persistent gender dysphoria and facing tough choices about surgical intervention as a last resort. But these people are rarely activists. You have an"identity that essentially says nothing more than you take descriptive gender stereotypes to be normative when not even evangelical twits believe that any more somehow makes you oppressed when literally everyone's definition of female has evolved to accommodate non-Barbies. I just can't take it seriously. Rachel should call herself nonbinary, change nothing, and become an influencer. What operational definition could expose her as a fraud since it commits you to exactly nothing?

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