Feb 17, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

This is America’s Chernobyl but it’s one of many indicators that our leaders just don’t care about any of us. Does anyone not observe the hypocrisy? The largest shareholders of Norfolk Southern are Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), Vanguard, and BlackRock…three awful organizations that control trillions in assets. They also own the media companies so you won’t see any objective or muckraking truth about this environmental catastrophe. They also own your feckless and mealy mouthed politicians who dodder, and stammer and titter the lies that their overlords demand of them. The potential cancers from one of the most mutagenic chemical spills on the planet makes the Union Carbide Bhopal disaster in India like amateur hour. Again, they say trust us, we have it under control … after the last 3 years and all the psyops and dopamine and cortisol hits…is there still anyone out there who believes any of this crap?! I guess so…Go Greta, Slava Ukraina, TrusttheScience, MeToo. The difference between Chernobyl and this disaster is the Soviet leaders camped out near Chernobyl to fix the problem at the risk of their own lives…Buttegieg, Dewine, Biden … cowards of the highest degree. Maybe they should live there and drink the water?!

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