I think memes like that "pedophile" one hurt a ton more than they help. It is going to make anyone who need convincing and is liable to be convinced see old school and empirically false old school moral panic as the only alternative offered to silly progressive moral panic mascarading as care behavior.

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Working in the belly of the woke beast and seeing just how much bullshit is driven not so much by trying believing radicals bur regular people who are like "something doesn't seem to be right about this (masking, Covidian crazy, transwomen are women, systemuc racism) but when I try to find opposing views all I find are people complaining about groomers, hyperventilating about Marxism, God hates fags, etc and I definitely want nothing to do with that shit so these people are right I guess that critical social justice and covidian stuff must be the only other choice." Maybe things can be bad but te processes that lead to them not mostly dependent on evil doers trying to ruin society.

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These memes misunderstand the main reason why community masking doesn't work. The problem with community masking isn't the pore size. It is that even with N95 masks without 100% every single second compliance by everyone, the "russian roulette" problem takes over at relatively low numbers of "I'll remove it just while I eat" or "I'll remove it just for a second" from a relatively small critical mass of people. Your odds of getting COVID are still 100% no matter how low you make the probability in any one interaction once a relatively low number of interactions occur. N95 masks totally work in clinical settings where contacts are brief and 100% compliance is possible and there aren't dozens to thousands of daily interactions with dozens to hundreds of people. The problem isn't the masks in community mask mandates and shaming, it is the law of large numbers.

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