
It's not the first time Pell has ripped on an older white man and used age and skin color as an excuse to discount the content of what's being said. Erin Strout has done the same thing. Their motto seems to be: If you have a different opinion and you're male, white, and "old", fuck off. Fortunately, Gault's thread seems to indicate that most people agree with the older track fan. Maybe Pell should take a look at other ways athletes could be getting paid instead of bitching about "gramps" not wanting to pay a ridiculous price to attend running events. Also, the guy never said anything about wanting to see the races for free, just that buying tickets wasn't in his budget.

What bothers me is the hyprocrisy she generally dislpays. Pell thinks it's fine to comment on other people's looks and/or age while demanding announcers never even call a female athlete muscular. On that note, I'm not sure she's aware of how her back-handed compliment of Erika Kemp came across when she tweeted about her, but it looks bad coming from someone who tries to dictate what other people should and shouldn't say.

And maybe I'm old, but what the fuck is the upside-down mustard container insult about? That looks like a Roche-inspired attempt and fail at being a creative writer.

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