Feb 23, 2021Liked by Kevin Beck

Someone needs to call her out. Thank you

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It should be a morally straightforward process to question an attention-seeker who was caught in a lie, shit-bombed someone with the nerve to even privately question an "influencer's" claims, and wound up on the cover of RW anyway. This so plainly has nothing to do, from my perspective, with color or body type that it shouldn't be seen as a hit job to call her out. But the rest of the world is in a scramble to see everything through the lens of group identity, so here we are.

Just wait until the SJWs gain control of Substack. I hope I'm joking...

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Thank you for this.

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Well, Derek Murphy was lying from the get-go with regard to his relationship to a long-time heckler of Snell. Once she found out who Derek was working with behind the scenes, she got very upset. And it's old white men that tend to hate Snell. Crust old white men who can't fathom that this fat black queer has logged that many race miles. Funny how there is proof that she has finished SO many races of varying distances, but everyone focused on the race where she was turned around prematurely by the event staff and missed about 3 miles. She has multiple DNFs and she speaks openly about them. And she's angry. For good reason, too. Even you mock her slow times. It's so childish and strange. She has a lot of loyal followers - and the message I've gathered from her is that you don't have the right to say she's not a runner and she's not helping people. You are not her demographic, because older white men tend to hate it when folks like her challenge your templates and your hard-dug neuro pathways. Change is coming and some (most) don't gravitate to that. So keep just focusing on the one questionable marathon and ignore all the other races where she showed up, ready to run for seven hours. And I know thousands of women and men who think she's shaking things up JUST right. I love your writing, it's really good.

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Whenever some nameless commenter surfaces here to defend Latoya Snell, it's clear for all to see why these "rebuttals" are infrequent: Unabashedly dodging the claims I make is tantamount to an admission that Latoya has in fact done all the things I've claimed she has. (This is why Latoya herself is terrified of this blog, and wishes she could extinguish it, while steadfastly refusing to publicly acknowledge it. Latoya, for all her bluster and rabid control over her food- and-lie-smeared Instagram domain, is a coward. She is a cheater and a fraud, and she is too much of a pussy to confront reality when it comes from someone who gives not one fuck about her attempts to cloak herself in oppression-armor.)

Amazingly, you go straight to "White men can't criticize black women because racism," which is itself not only nonsensical but itself racist.

You are evidently desperate to trigger me into saying what you're convinced I'm inclined to do, which is to admit that I'm just ticked that a person of color is enjoying ascendancy against all odds, or something. Unfortunately, I am not being held back from emitting such static by fear of reprisals; I just have no inclination to make any of this about skin color, other than noting that no white person could get away with the ride Latoya has enjoyed. Not even the saddest fattest white sociopath goth transqueer chick (no offense to any readers). But if you look around, you'll see that most of my targets are in fact straight white bozos. Most people are white; most people are idiots. Q.E.D., amirite?

I mean, you *can't* be serious about every criticism of Latoya being a racist attack when you are aware that the major detractor you point out is a woman of color.

But how about this? Latoya has claimed repeatedly to have completed 25+ marathons, when in fact it is easily verified on both Athlinks and MarathonGuide.com that the total is 13. And none since 2019, when she started getting all of her free stuff from HOKA et al.


Any thoughts on the serious discrepancy here?

Just....please don't tell me you think this bucket of shit is on an earnest fitness quest, or intends to "inspire" anyone other than fellow grifters and scammers, both established and budding.


If you want to chortle over her shitting on decency because you think that's inherently cool, cuz fuck Whitey, well OK then. But please don't recast her shithole antics as anything besides social vandalism and de facto larceny. There is nothing redeeming about her whatsoever. She knows she's a token--she has to be aghast as well as overjoyed at how eagerly her white sponsors swallow every lie she offers--and that white cunts like Robin DiAngelo and making many, MANY times more dollars per day than Latoya is getting combined, all for optionally debasing herself.

If you are inclined to continue, please start with a justification of her lies about her race total, and then we can move on to other falsehoods in the pile.

You say I am not part of Latoya's demographic. Funny, I don't divide the world into skin colors, like you do. Running? I consider that my demographic, and Latoya is staining it not by being fat or black or slow or borderline mentally challenged, but a willful cheat, a hate-filled turd, and a bug-eyed gluttonous nobody in genuine (not Instagram) running. And she stole from 9,000 members of that demographic who had qualified for the 2021 Boston Marathon by accepting a free bib and trip to the race despite knowing all she's done as an "athlete" is stuff her bloatarded face for months on end.

If you think you can just declare criticism of Latoya or anyone else off-limits to white observers, then you might as well fancy yourself a wizard (witch?) trying to cast a spell. The only problem with this kind of critique is that it exists, period. You can't rebut it, and neither can anyone else. And you know what's at the heart of my annoyance here? The transparent insincerity of every one of these Latoya sponsors. As if loading one obese loudmouth with free stuff really does anything to attract black people into running. It attracts them to Instagram, nothing else.

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Hey - I appreciate your reply and thoughts - you definitely gave me some things to think about. Just so I have my facts straight, this link is incorrect? https://www.athlinks.com/athletes/200706876/results

I am a nameless person in the grand scheme of things, but I am someone who has had a positive life change because of her voice and her content. I am someone who is overweight, and it's very scary to get into fitness as a big person...so the message I get from her is to work out even if you're big. Don't be scared of what people think. Yes, I suppose it's all pretty vulgar how she communicates. Yes, I didn't know there were lies about her fitness accomplishments (which sucks). But I am still inspired and will continue to get back into weight training. I do appreciate your thoughts, information, and opinions. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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That's her.

Look, I know people who were inspired to get and stay sober by Alcoholics Anonymous members who themselves were drinking on the sly. Sometimes, people who aren't practicing any of what they preach inspire people to get out the door. Whatever it takes, right? So I understand your reluctance to see her as evil.

Good luck in your continued progress!

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Hey thanks, Kevin! I appreciate that. You've got a point - whatever it takes to get inspired to get out there. However, it is also good to be discerning and research people before becoming their public cheerleader. ;) Great blog, too.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

I've never seen her open about DNF'ing an entire year of running. Just still photos and short clips of her appearing to run at paces physically impossible at her self inflicted BMI. Her entire public life can be summed up in one of her videos: being shuttled to the Boston Marathon start while wearing a mask but no seat belt. I do wonder if those who have a love affair with skin color (you) would ignore her fakery if she had lighter skin pigmentation. Maybe your love with dividing by skin color is a subconscious love for racism, as long as it's promoting someone darker. Discrimination based on skin color is discrimination no matter how good you may feel about it. The demand for racism far outweighs the supply, so why wouldn't you jump on the bandwagon of deep throating the fabrication from a fat black person? It might be a hard pill to swallow, but faud is still fraud regardless of skin color. But keep on trying to defend her. She's too heavy to be pulled out of the hole She's been digging herself.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Hi Mary (if that’s your real name) care to name names and provide proof of Derek lying? Because Snell hides the ENTIRE conversation from the public often (and of COURSE I have proof of that). Holding someone accountable TO THEIR OWN WORDS is not bullying or defamation. Not only are you defaming Derek Murphy here (facts are a lovely defense against all libel, slander, and defamation claims), who has all of his evidence in a row before publishing, there’s nothing that Kevin has written here that isn’t rooted in what are known as FACTS; ie. the conflicting commentary of a person who has claimed disease states they do not have, a person who has claimed that her health is none of your business but she supports the outing of HIPAA protected information about other runners, training runs that haven’t occurred because of cross-referencing Snell’s data with her social media, and the fact that her claims of lawsuits against were, well, as delusional as the false documents including emails she has posted to social media to insist that she is a “victim!”. Pretending that less than 2 miles a month is (ultra or) marathon training with insufficient cross training does a disservice to all the fat, Black, queer, LGBTQUIA+ people with disabilities or medical situations who think they can do something someone else simply is not ACTUALLY doing (did I get all of the claims? Alcoholism, Sjogren’s, Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibromyalgia, Mental Illness - Eating Disorder: Anorexia, Suicidal Ideations, loss of a child(Ren) - the number of children changes depending on whenever one affliction loses steam, because she will pivot to another disease state, care to disprove this series of behaviors?) Her “constant” battle with alcoholism? Suspiciously never mentioned after a podcast again as it became known she courted alcohol gifts from various sponsors. Social justice? Transphobia? Homophobia? Only when it’s convenient, as in a Runners World cover she suddenly never wanted after they didn’t delete the factual comments of her lies on social media - let’s repeat the reminder that she has very publicly defended Dave Chapelle and his highly contentious commentary on the trans community. She’ll respond to this with how she’s attacked all the time from people who are “gatekeeping” running (no, we are just saying it like it is, there are many of us, the rules are there and apply to EVERYONE in a race for a reason, I and many others have always and will always welcome honest runners who don’t lie - who put the work in, who take responsibility for their training and goals whether it is movement, weight loss, or racing, it IS the most inclusive sport because any BODY *can* run and I’ll die on that hill but there’s a reason we rally against dopers in #CleanSport; who don’t lie about being heckled when witnesses are present, it’s not gaslighting when it comes with photographic evidence), how she needs money to pay for her therapist (after firing four of them), how she trains so incredibly hard (but the fact is she took 4+ vacations prior to the Boston Marathon with less than approximately 2+ miles a month - she’ll redirect that with “it was work it was self-care I deserve time off I train so hard PAY ME!”), she’ll let on that she doesn’t want to “call people out” but “call them in” because she doesn’t want to harm someone in a marginalized community (that’s why she only posts about the white people in her inbox, not the honest Black community of runners that see through who she is and her lack of training + education - I have those conversations too, but in reality she “calls out” people in a series of FALSE emails and incomplete conversations, a manipulation that one’s personal biases will hold you back from acknowledging), that it’s “none of your business” what her financial situation is, but at the same time she’ll tell you she makes $2000 per collaboration with Hoka (any other Global World Ambassadors making that rate? I’d love to see the deserving ones that actually put the mileage in, that don’t pretend to put the work in, see that kind of a paycheck, and if you read this and you’re not getting paid, speak out), and suddenly claim that honesty and integrity is code for being “white”. No ma’am, it doesn’t take a certain race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other classification to NOT LIE. Transparency is a beautiful thing, but I don’t encourage the violation of HIPAA. I’d love to see the evidence that you have, Mary, because I do hope you trust that I have mine. It is sad that the race of a person should ever disqualify their meritocratic positions and diligent research - in fact, the woman you defend has consistently lied about her qualifications, certifications, education, “careers”, and race completions, which “journalists” do not do their research for. Have you checked her finances lately? They’re public. Once a grifter, always a grifter. Once a liar, always a liar. Liars come in all races, shapes, and sizes. We want to believe women. However, when someone shows you who they are, believe them. At what point do you disregard the fraudulence? I’m sure you’ve read her blogs, right? When she created a story about someone saying she deserves to be raped when in reality, no such thing occurred? I have the proof and evidence for that, too. Go back a few more blogs and you’ll see that she’s currently pretending that a critical surgery has only JUST been suggested to her by “fatphobic” physicians now, but she’s been writing about it for years. (While we’re at it, let’s stop calling physicians “fatphobic” for doing what they’re supposed to do, test 35+ year old women with an overweight/obese BMI with a family history of diabetes for… diabetes). The inequities facing women of color in healthcare absolutely exist, but giving a standardized series of tests is not one of them. Holding someone accountable for the multitude of lies, the fact that she has harassed and threatened MANY runners in her inboxes to the extent that they had to seek mental health resources for her twisting around the situation but continues to claim to be a mental health advocate (hi to the BQ seeker called out on her page, not “called in”, screenshots and videos are invaluable with law enforcement and court systems), threatened runners with violence on multiple occasions on “vanishing” Instagram live videos, instigated her following from posting emails attributed to those who never wrote them, neglected to obey the law, pretends to train for ultramarathons and marathons that are never completed but still states that she has done hundreds (hi athlinks and ultramarathon signup to confirm her numbers that keep changing, because hypocritical running companies continue to incorrectly post her “accolades” as the tokenism continues) simply because anyone can come to a start line unprepared in order to play the victim over and over again and seek sympathy when the truth and facts come out (behavioral patterns are PRICELESS and physiological analysis is a wonderful science, alongside social media claims), and lies about her conversations with others such as Derek Murphy while playing the victim, I’m happy to prove that in court. When we see marginalized communities in our sport who qualify for and earn their accolades, and yet they are subverted by frauds and proven liars, that does a disservice to those who identify with the marginalized, whether it is via rule-breaking, outright falsehoods, doping, cheating, fictitious accounts (Jussie Smollett, anyone? The hijabi who claimed her hijab was torn off by three white men on the subway that never happened?) or otherwise claiming expertise in a field that one is not educated in. Too bad when someone lies, it can’t be used as evidence against legitimate, factual, evidence. This is not the only fraud in running who has been seen to lie in all aspects of their life; in fact, it’s not uncommon: feel free to google Emily Clark + Willamette Weekly for an excellent investigative journalistic recap that began with, yes, Derek Murphy reporting. Let’s call a spade a spade. (And no, I have no need to apologize for the run-on sentences - this isn’t an English paper and I don’t claim to be a journalist, if that’s all you can respond to with my factual data and evidence, then sadly you have no case - unfortunately, the high school dropout of this post has also laid claim to that career.) I don’t #LieToYa. I’m always happy to applaud and cheer for those who do what they claim to have done in this sport. And integrity has no color, no race, no sexual orientation, or any other classification of human.

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Yes, Mary is my real name - it is nice to meet you. These are all items that I was not aware of, so I appreciate you sharing some information. And my understanding was that you were working with Derek, and he didn't disclose that upon reaching out to her in the beginning. It's not a lie, so that is too strong of a word. I just stick up for her because she has inspired me to get back into athletics, and I am a rather large person myself (and it's been a positive change). I find her content interesting, but lying is not okay and I truly hope she can find a more authentic place to come from. I do appreciate the reply.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Kevin has written substantially about Latoya’s lies; in fact, you can Google Latoya’s Lies. Enabling the delusions of a mentally ill person (she has publicly stated this alongside an effort to raise funds, a few more alleged afflictions were added this year) does not help the mentally ill. She has refused help even when funds have been donated. Many of us would like to believe people at face value, but it’s very easy to check athletic claims and cross-verify them across social media as well as Strava and any other public trackers in the running community. Facts are not bullying or harassment and should never be conflated to be one and the same. I am happy to hear of your positive change - I wish you the best in your journey and your goal. Honest athletes with integrity in their actions are heralded here. Running is the simplest sport - you get out of it what you put in. Every time. Best to you.

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Thank you for the kind words - and I definitely see where you are coming from in all aspects. I do try to take people at face value - I try to see good in all, but there's a difference between allowing myself to have a private, inspired journey and becoming a defender of Latoya. Thanks again for replying and offering your perspective!

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Also, you are mistaken. I had absolutely nothing to do with Derek and the initial story about Latoya Snell not completing 26.2 miles where she goes off on a racist tirade that is vulgar against a multitude of commenters. As always, she is misleading her audience to portray herself as the victim. So yes, that is a lie. In fact, I suggest asking her for that proof. She won’t have it because it isn’t true. I would caution before spreading misinformation about others. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the response! You're right - I was actually not in a good place when I wrote my comment and I do appreciate you calling me out on that (discrimination). I've just heard a lot of rhetoric around "she wouldn't be getting this much attention if she wasn't black and obese" and I think that's a statement that MOSTLY comes from white men. If I could pull the data, I would - but I can't. It's just a hypothesis. But it does come across as discriminatory and that's absolutely unacceptable on my part. I guess the reason I support her is because of my personal inspiration, but fraud is fraud. You're right about that - I just wonder how much she is lying because it really seems like she's finished a lot of marathons. I mean, I think her best marathon time is 6:33:35 - and a lot of folks get angry because why would you celebrate such a slow time? I guess from my perspective it's cool to see someone big out there at the start line, being brave and facing fears. But if she has lied about it all then that's a tough one. I appreciate your response!

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Mary. I'm unsure of your reading comprehension given your ignorance towards reality. Read 1984 and take a look in the mirror. You're not merely projecting 2 + 2 = 5. You're proclaiming 2 + 2 = Lie'Toya's morbid, self inflicted BMI. Your distortion of reality is the only reason she has followers. It's about time to take a step back from your perceived self righteousness and accept what's true and right in front of you. Otherwise, you're just as complicit in the fraudulent behavior as that tub of lard's face anus is.

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Well you could be right about my reading comprehension (and my ignorance with regard to reality). I am one of the people (fools?) that was inspired by her and started to work out again even though I am a big person. I have lost weight and am starting to feel wonderful again, and I think her story inspired me a bit. She is a very vulgar person (I agree), but sometimes I try to understand where she is coming from. I decided that I have no right to judge her anger and her way of communicating. That's just my opinion, and I respect others who decide that it is their place. I think my post was kind of self-righteous, which isn't really me. I just defend her because she has helped me I guess. Thanks for your thoughts!

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Recognize that Latoya has very well-documented behavior patterns - she makes up situations as well as lies by omission with hiding the complete conversations she has to portray herself as the victim. She harassed multiple minors in a group chat and threatened them before pretending that she didn’t voluntarily enter the conversation (proof and evidence ready for court). She pretends that her call outs are call ins, yet her actions have led to suicidal torment for those who are posted to her page (the running community is small) but she is the victim as the aggressor. Violent threats are NEVER okay, but she is recorded on video and in DMs contributing to them as well as doxxing others who dare to post factual evidence (Court eligible proof exists for all of this as well). I suggest you question her to post the entire conversation when she pretends to be attacked. She never will, because it will show that she is lying. Again, everyone has biases. She will tell you she is always working alone and it’s so hard to do what she does, but in reality she has a personal assistant, a son, and a husband who help her. She will tell you that it’s an honor to be on magazine covers and be sponsored and supported by brands, but turn on them the instance they don’t delete comments that point out her lies. Just yesterday she posted that she completed only 10 of her claimed 25 marathons on her IG story. My question to you is: do you feel you’re doing yourself a positive change when the person you follow doesn’t put in the work, time, or effort to complete races but walks to the start line and constantly quits with the same exact excuses? Every single time.

Oh, and compare her workout data with the videos she posts. You’ll find that she says she’s done workouts that she has never done and run race distances that were never covered. It’s all there for many, many years, in her blogs, on her Instagram, whether one chooses to acknowledge it or “not judge”.

Oh, and she’s not certified, has no licenses in anything fitness or nutrition related. No higher degrees, no college degree, a HS dropout at that. Google can help you there as well. So when she talks about “college”, it’s incomplete without her acknowledging she has only completed a culinary course curriculum. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But it’s all public if you take a moment to look.

Again, best to you in your fitness journey. Legitimate dedication to be better is a beautiful thing.

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