I use Strava but don't log all my miles there. My primary running log is runningahead.com. If I don't use a watch or use my husband's watch, it doesn't go on Strava. I find it impossible to cheer for d'Amato at this point because, while as a woman in my early 40s I'd love to believe it's possible to get faster at this age, I just don't believe it. But I don't understand how you can be so sure she's logging all her miles on Strava.

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Another theory - she does a significant volume of supplementary Zone 2 aerobic work in a modality not captured on Strava and doesn't talk about it. I've known local yokel road racing women doing like 17 mun 5ks "and I only run 30 miles a week" and turns out they are on an elliptical trainer or bike trainer 5+ hours a week.

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