Jan 5, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

I'm glad I didn't pay attention to any of it from the start. I think I was concerned for about the first week or two, but then started to figure things out. You know the government doesn't have our best interest when they ignore the 41% obesity rate in this country, to go along with the several millions that die of heart disease, hospital related deaths, pneumonia etc etc, but they put so much focus on COVID. I've never been a conspiracy theorist or anti-government and never wanted to become that person and maybe they had our best intentions at the start, most didn't know what was going on, but in the end as it prolonged, it appeared there was a political agenda attached to it. I'm one that believes in science, but this science, related to COVID, didn't take all the factors into consideration.

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I attempted to describe the impact the lockdowns had on my mom and how it easily led to her decline, only to be met with defenders of a policy that didn’t harm them. I worried and openly opined about the future consequences when lockdowns had just been ordered. People with addiction and mental health issues and future cancer cases didn’t matter--they’d be dealt with and dismissed later. It’s unforgivable. I’m finding more and more that the only way to reach people in this era is for them to experience a harm first-hand.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

Wow! Beck...I think I may call you Menck...short for HL Mencken...AA often talks about the the “bedevilments” or hundred forms of fear. Isn’t this Covid plandemic and subsequently lockdown, vaxx, and censorship tyranny worthy of that list? I have been attending zoom meetings for 3 years. It has been helpful but the group is Brooklyn based and 80% (Pareto rule in place here) are Vaxx and Mask fanatics and zealots. Many work in the “applied arts”...some work for the NYTimes and other mockingbird media outlets. What is fascinating is watching them adhere to a narrative that consistently has been falling apart. Lamenting that all their efforts to have Covid free parties through testing still resulted in folks getting Covid. It’s amazing how the fake science and its propagandists continues to gaslight these supposedly intellectual crème de la crème of US culture. And yes, the same virtue signaling is expressed through wokism and pro-Ukraine, BLM, trans rights, etc. Luckily, this is what I read between the lines...and it is not so overt as to divert me away from my own sobriety but I would love to drink to get back at them ... but that, sadly, never works.

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"I’m not going to get into how JAMA, NEJM, and Lancet are captured by big pharma and military industrial complex." You seriously don't see how this kind of critique can easily be used in the other direction? And how you can simply say this (true or not) to debunk anything you don't like without considering the evidence? And how it is used by any ideologically motivated contrarian to debunk any disconfirming evidence? So if you have cancer, or need a surgery and the standard of care is supported by research published in JAMA you are going to say "fuck this shit! JAMA is captured by Big Pharma!" I work in academia and I see this constantly regarding research that runs counter to woke certainties, but in that case it is "racists" who are the nefarious force behind the disconfirming evidence. Ultimately everyone is captured by somebody so you gotta just evaluate the evidence. And if you find that your evaluation of the evidence on any issues seems to line up pretty thoroughly with one camp, you probably haven't evaluated the evidence.

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Regarding the "AIDS-patient-killing witch doctor", at least some of the AIDS crowd view him favorably (but because this was in the NYT you probably won't believe a word of it):


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Fine, I guess I’ll just trust the doctors I have spoken with and followed with regard to treatment and you can wait in line for your vaxx. As long as you don’t force your intervention we should be good. Ivermectin, cocktails work. They were used across the globe. I pointed you to the website. If you want to be the megaphone for big pharma and mRNA that’s your prerogative. Only, can’t say that IVM works or even that the vaxxes did what they were supposed to do. Bottom line. Epidemiology 101.

Isolate most vulnerable

Work in kitchen sink strategies

Allow doctors to do their work, i.e., Zelenko Protocol, Pierre Khoury, McCullough, FLCCC, and countless others.

No lockdowns

Empower State, local not federal

Target outbreaks and hot zones

Don’t vaccine into a pandemic

Natural immunity is best

Reserve the hysterical bullshit from something more serious like airborne hemorrhagic fevers but it will be deuce difficult to trust any homicidal control freaks going forward unless someone hangs from the gallows.

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You shouldn’t, it’s underestimated by 90% according to a Harvard study. If I’m not mistaken.

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Prasad's commentary on his new systemic review is another good primer on evidence based medicine and how annoyance with MAGA or wokeness shouldn't dovetail with public health recommendations around COVID. Prasad has been the best guide to cutting through both CDC/Fauci/Covidian nonsense and Malone/Weinstein nonsense.


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Malone claims an epidemic of widespread and completely unevidenced health problems from the 2 dose mRNA vaccines that far outstrips their morbidity reducing efficacy. He and Weinstein both go on about this stuff endlessly. Do I need to document the crazy claims they have made that go far beyond noting the demonstrated myocarditis risk in young men.

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Robert Malone is a crank. Of the many many failures of the public health apparatus (community masking, endless boosters regardless of sub-group risk, downplaying myocarditis from especially subsequent doses of Moderna among young men, lockdowns, forced vaccine mandates "to protect others" etc. demonizing the lab leak hypothesis, etc) the efficacy of the two dose vaccine in protecting individuals (not not others) from bad Covid outcomes that far outstripped any morbidity risks from the vaccine was the only one that had solid RCT evidence.

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