Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

This guy obviously is unfamiliar with the author’s work and viewpoint. The style seems a bit harsh, even for longtime readers of this column, but once you get past the imagery you can see the point he’s making. In fact, and here I’m going to add my own take (I’m not sure this is his intention but it’s what I took away from it), even though this person is crippled doesn’t matter one bit. Look at what she actually does. She denies support to people truly in need of help, in order to steal more money for the rulers and herself. That’s evil period. These people have to be stopped and part of that process is calling things out for what they are with words and language and imagery that will make people notice. One thing that’s so frustrating about the commenter’s response is that you can see he’s in that team mode, Democrats vs. Republicans. Nothing makes me crazier than when people respond with, you must be a Republican if you . . . such and such. It’s not Republican vs. Democrat, it’s right vs. wrong, it’s the people in power vs. the rest of the world. He’s fallen into the same bullshit trap I hear so often, Trump bad, Putin bad, blah, blah, blah. I’m sick of it.

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I think I can maybe forgive someone disabled in a pointless war for not being able to admit their life was wrecked for nothing and that their injury actually made the world worse even. That must be hard to bear.

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Such a sad, pathetic person. You must be one proud Republican. George (weapons of mass destruction) Bush is your hero. Let's check under your furniture for those WMDs. Try words, not slurs, your mommy needs to wash your brain out with soap.

Shock and Awe... your hero killed millions. The only sacrifice you have made to this country is a civil tongue.

You come off like Trump, just another of Putin's bitches.

How about listing the reasoning behind your hateful statements... if you have any.

Your posts scream "look at me, look at me, I'm insecure".

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