Mar 23, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

Hassan Mead and Shelby gave equally flimsy excuses. I would say it was progress that the media isn’t buying Zane’s, but it is more likely that he just doesn’t have enough influential friends. So we get slightly closer to the truth and maybe nabbing a supplier or doctor, but who is really going to keep pressing him on his second, equally stupid, explanation (he only took it that one time!) when he says he is suicidal. What a mess!

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

Look out Mama, there's a white boat coming up the river. With a big red beacon, and a flag, and a man on the rail.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

The brothers are not training partners.

Zane moved to Ethiopia few years back, while Jake stays in Kenya.

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It looks like Zane was training in Ethiopia even before the 2016 Olympics, so it appears he was there for almost as long as he was in Kenya. Six or seven years is probably sufficient to find an Addis Ababa pharmacy or liaison offering EPO.

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Wait, is his name really spelled Pfitsinger then . . .

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

I would’ve gotten the jab if it improved my running. Pretty smarmy excuse tho.

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Is he were 23 instead of 33, he might have prepared a less flimsy excuse.

He probably figured that, though not old, he probably wasn't going to make another performance jump.

At least NZ Athletics recognizes that pro runners cheat out of a valid sense of needing to do so to keep up with other dopers. While it's still wrong, I don't think as poorly of a pro runner who tests positive as I do an age-group runner or ex-cyclist who uses T-patches just to run 17:00 5Ks. Or anyone in U.S. Congress -- Robertson would have to ingest babies throughout his races to even sniff at that level of immorality.

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