Nikki Hiltz needs to get real about the malicious power of online mobs
It would help if Big Names would occasionally restrain, or at least vet, their Big Opinions
Nikki Hiltz is a not-very-bright American lesbian, grifter, and elite middle-distance runner. Her athletic specialty is the 1,500 meters and mile, while her social-media focus is promoting her own contrived status as a “nonbinary” person and related social pathologies, including the gleeful embrace of cancel-culture.
Hiltz’ best year on the track was 2019, when she qualified for the World Athletics Championships in Doha with a third-place finish at the USATF Outdoor Track and Field Championships and ran 4:01.52 for 1,500 meters. She ran a 4:21.89 track mile last August. She’s 28, which means she’s young enough to hold on to the same performance level for a few more years, but unlikely to see a sub-4:00 1,500m or otherwise make a significant jump.
Her best years as a grifter, on the other hand, are probably still ahead of her. Hiltz is the perfect vehicle for Wokish nonsense, as everything she says and does in an “activist” capacity projects the required mixture of grave emotional immaturity and unearned authority.
Hiltz combines the genial cluelessness of the cognitive laggard with the pathological need to blame the slightest feeling of personal disequilibrium on an unjust world. In a not-so-remote era, she would have been quietly dismissed as the delusional ditz she is. But now that we live in clown world, Hiltz is a heroine; despite emitting insufferably nonsensical things every time she speaks or writes for public consumption, she has everyone in track and field bowing to her Wokish blather.
It is a meager sign of hope that this is not because anyone believes in the legitimacy of the “nonbinary” label, but because running includes few to no remaining actors of any standing who display any backbone and integrity. And even in cases where they could at least remain silent, many of them jump in and cheer on the lying and delusions anyway.
The tweet below captures the inescapable ridiculousness of “nonbinary” people demanding that everyone agree to the sham. Having created her own grievance by (selectively) denying her own womanhood and thus misgendering herself, Hiltz accidentally admits that “nonbinary” is a contrivance because the term “gay” only makes sense within a binary, or at least nonuniform, sexual-preference framework.
The thing that jumps out the most about this, though, is Hiltz’ cavalier attitude toward the online mobs who serve to protect Hiltz’ delusion and similar Wokish lunacies by any means necessary. (And she’s definitely a woman, all right, a modern “liberal” one: I'm strong! Someone save me!)
The entire running media took part in an effort to diminish or ruin Gary Cantrell in 2020 for a completely fabricated offense, and none of the many people responsible has publicly apologized. Everyone involved has, in fact, continued to be a degenerate in the same ways since—dodging, whining, emotional reasoning, social-media blocking, clustering among other reality-averse imbeciles, and other gelatinous and ultimately self-enfeebling deflection-gambits.
This erosive bullshit has gone on for almost three years unchecked: The freedom to rail against biology under the banner of science and to call for greater acceptance of each other while openly using “white,” “straight,” “male,” and “old” as multiplicative slurs—even while it’s unclear how any of these things are automatically bad any more than “black,” “gay,” “female,” and “young” are.
Since it’s now fair to hammer away at characteristics people can’t change, I have no compunction about pointing out that Hiltz is a goddamn dumbass. When a television interviewer asks her questions that include multisyllabic words, her eyes glaze over and her mandible relaxes in direct proportion to the "complexity" of what she’s hearing. Others see this, and it’s why she gets away with what she does; one of the paradoxes of Wokism is that its spokes-mascots are required to assert that what is obviously “off” about them is in fact an asset—a quirk not merely to be accommodated but rammed down society’s throat.
It doesn’t help that Kara Goucher believes she needs to be absolutely everywhere to say exactly the right thing, either. She has billions of unique followers, is not a cunt source of adversarial falsehoods in the shape of a female human like Lauren Fleshman is, and needs to refrain from seizing every opportunity to impress only the loudest and most obnoxious ones.
I saw Goucher complaining about antisemitism recently, mainly because she saw others doing this, not because she’d experienced it lately. Goucher isn’t Jewish, but her husband is. But her husband is also white, male, straight, and knocking on the door of middle age. Why doesn’t Kara Goucher make noises when she sees white men who may not be Jewish, or are at least not her spouse, become targets of similarly unfair and uninvited abuse? Does she think she can keep threading this discursive needle forever and still look good to everyone?
Online trans activists can be dismal human beings, often suggesting killing people like Jesse Singal for writing accurately about their unfounded ideas and blitzkrieg tactics. Hiltz is not one of these dismal people, but she should acknowledge what’s going on outside her cheerfully pro-censorship ramblefest.
The craziest thing about this headline isn’t the crime itself; it’s horrific that some guy made his young daughter participate in pornography, but such sexual deviance isn’t unheard of among men. The really crazy thing is the basic normalization of headlines constructed using nouns in combinations like these.
As these incidents amass, the men convicted are presumably being convicted “as women,” and the FBI crime stats will begin to reflect an unlikely but undeniable statistical uptick in rapes and other violent crimes, many of them sexual, committed by American women.
This is somehow supposed to represent progress for women, along with bitches doing the dick-waggle in girls’ locker rooms and men proudly grabbing NCAA women’s swim titles. Science is king. Be polite now.
If that’s not enough to give people pause, then maybe this will. It’s not an outlier.
A purposeful shutting out of parental and other input before surgeries like vaginoplasty and phalloplasty, combined with the inherent insanity of performing these procedures on kids in the first place, is bound to lead precisely to morbid accounts like these—people who are many ways ruined for life.
But if it’s not you, who cares, right? Hiltz doesn’t, and none of the running pundits who were rallying most strongly behind the “let boys be girls in sports” idea seem interested in these kinds of outcomes either.
Because David Roche and the members of his pussified cult are not interested in confronting criticism and have made it clear that they will try to hide from it forever, I will just continue bringing up the same unaddressed offenses they obviously wish they had never committed.
If David Roche believed in these words, why did he delete them without explanation when I called attention to them a year after he posted them, after enough time had passed to establish their galactic inaccuracy? I continue to find it entertaining that the trust-fund jock-sniffers and laxative-snackers in David and Megan’s cult of antiwisdom and ersatz kindness think it’s unfair to criticize someone who’s obviously not just a moron, but provably shifty and growing less literate by the week.
As much as it sucks to have hitched your wagon to an idiot, you can always hop off. If you are considering quitting idiots, you may need some rational encouragement, because your “friends” in that category will resist your defection to sanity. At the 46:40 mark of this video from yesterday’s edition of System Update, somewhat cancelled lesbian progressive Katie Herzog, one of the wittiest people in podcasting and Singal’s partner on Blocked & Reported, describes to Glenn Greenwald what she has seen happen in her dialectic and social spaces since the advent of Wokism. Her comments about “nonbinary” people dismantle the whole concept in under thirty seconds, and she does it with humor.
You can change for people like Nikki Hiltz, or you can wait for them to either grow up or fall from prominence as a result of natural cultural shifts. I myself am not going to be lectured to by aggressively stupid people without reacting with exactly the derision all of it deserves.