Remember when running's "liberals" implored us* to focus on politics? What happened?
Despite Joe Biden actively shitting on America's underclass, running's "progressives" have predictably forgotten their own 2020 barking
In October 2020, less than a week before that year’s U.S. elections, Erin Strout wrote a piece for Women’s Running titled “Can We Run Away From Politics?” The subtitle reads, “The sport has deep roots in activism and advocacy for issues like health care, equality, climate change, and racial justice. Here’s why that doesn’t disappear when we go for a run.”
(Although this is perhaps tangential to today’s complaint, Erin Strout is engaging here in an especially flimsy use of the “royal we.” While I understand that no runner is immune to motivational lapses, someone who doesn’t have an automatic need to regularly get out the door amid all of her stressed-out bitching has no business writing about top-level running, or any sport.)
Strout’s essay was an attempt to convince readers that escaping ambient politics is literally impossible if you’re a runner. She reminded us* that running is something relatively privileged people enjoy disproportionately, making it tempting but morally reprehensible to put thoughts of the less privileged aside if you exercise while white.
What she meant by this, of course, is that anyone who wasn’t preparing to vote for Joe Biden was indecent beyond belief, evidently because Biden promised to spearhead those necessary efforts in “health care, equality, climate change, and racial justice.” Or because the stupid twat he picked as his running mate happens to be black-ish.
The rest of the essay goes on to review how running, both a professional sport and as a citizen enterprise, has expanded in concert with civil-rights advances afforded women and people of color. Then—in the archetypal spirit of today’s libtard waggling a crooked finger at “privilege”—tells people to think more about these things when they run. I guess the idea is that enough simultaneous positive jogger-juju can create some kind of magical Wokish dust capable of changing America for the better—this in lieu of actually doing anything bolder than exchanging electronic cunt-bumps with other Twitter harridans while blocking your “anti-progressive” haters.
Here’s a revealing quote in the essay from Alison Desir, another meathead of privilege who’s at least black:
It’s about building power and about showing that when we come together, we can tackle these really massive, scary issues.
These women only talk about “coming together” with women who agree with them. They refuse to even acknowledge women who, for example, don’t want men posing as women playing women’s sports, except to call them bigots and haters. So this expression of comity and unity is just more high-flown bullshit from another of running’s self-interested (and fat, and mostly sedentary) and self-promoting ass-wads.
A little over a week later, in the wake of those elections, Chris Chavez—who, despite his profligate and consistently stupefied output, doesn’t yet know where the fucking comma key is—included the following in the November 7 edition of his Citius Mag newsletter:
I was a bit hesitant about putting out a newsletter this week because there’s so much more important news going on in the world but I figured this could also serve as a quick escape from your own political and news consumption for the day.
We had our fair share of followers (or now former followers) telling us to “stick to running” but we won’t. We recommend reading this piece by Women’s Running and Erin Strout because that line between sports or running and politics doesn’t exist. was pretty cool to see President-elect Joe Biden’s Election Day video to use the same song that we use for the CITIUS MAG Podcast.
First of all, promising an escape from political news and then writing, “Here is my political stance, and if you don’t like it, fuck off” would resemble parody outside of the world of Citius Mag. Here, it’s just Chavez exhibiting the limitations of his flatworm-caliber brainpower, reacting in the moment to whatever stimuli seem to herald the most personal nourishment and doggedly aiming his wriggling self in the direction of those bright and noisy stimuli, but lacking the neurological apparatus to record any of the input for future reference.
Second, it’s remarkable to me that the entire fitness industry has taken an openly and unapologetically “liberal,” or at least anti-Republican, stance. I say this as someone who has never voted for a Republican candidate for major office. It’s just a strange business decision; even if you think everyone in your organization has the same political views, it seems idiotic to intentionally turn off readers who don’t share those views. Shit, with that kind of attitude, it won’t be long before Outside, Inc. is forced to start eliminating some of its public…oh. Well, that’s a fresh wound, isn’t it?
Apart from that, you can see Chavez affirming Strout’s claim that the line between running and politics doesn’t exist. He doesn’t say how or why, just excretes another turd of a thesis and moves on.
Well, here we are in June 2022, almost a year and a half into Joe Biden’s term. Apparently, the answer to the question Strout poses in the title of her essay is “yes,” at least among those who raised the issue of running’s enmeshment with politics in the first place. Everyone involved seems to have found other things to talk about besides what the White House has been up to, specifically in those key areas Strout identified.
Biden said a bunch of bullshit about protecting trans people soon after taking office, with the drooling motherfucker’s handlers knowing how easy it would be to placate Wokish voters with such fundamentally inert pablum. Then, as I recall, there was a $300 per month per child tax credit that ended at the start of the year. The stoppage of those payments is largely attributable to Democrats’ failure to pass the $1.75 billion Build Back Better bill.
So 2021 was not a banner fucking year for the Biden Administration—from the standpoint of the needy, anyway. It was a great year if you were already loaded.
The discontinuing of the Child Tax Credit has had severe consequences for the poor, with explosive levels of inflation compounding other pandemic-related issues. And right now, Biden and Company have no plans to offer relief.
Black voters are, so far, not thrilled with Biden. This is despite constant reassurance from CNN and MSNBC that everyone not associated with the Biden administration is a white supremacist. If these voters afforded themselves a full view of reality, they would be furious.
I don’t have kids, and for now, I remain white and male. Yet I’m pretty sure that poor people are disproportionally “of color,” and that running’s loudmouthed libtards have some sense of this, since they used to talk about it almost nonstop.
Now, if we* could believe that the government simply didn’t have the money to help out the poor, okay fine, eat less and tell your kids to hit the fast-food dumpsters closest to the tenements before everyone else’s kids can raid them. But you may have noticed that the U.S. Government has been funneling tens of billions of dollars into a war it doesn’t need to involve itself in, not given the state of America’s own now-useless public schools and rusting bridges and fucked-up roads and expensive gas (we’re keeping our* gated-suburbs commuter-culture intact at all costs, motherfuckers) and data-mining tech companies and lying corporate media and every other institution that has become a circus of infighting.
I can tell you why these assholes appear to have short memories. One they do; these are organically watery thinkers whose slack jaws and perpetually squinty expressions could be more easily forgiven had they not chosen to invade the information sector. And two, they don’t give a fuck about social justice. Pretending to care about those with less when you have a Twitter account and a media or meta-media job is the easiest call in the world for a sniveling suck-up and intellectual coward to make.
The apotheosis of the engaged-disengaged libtard is a lawn with a BLM sign in front of a house boasting a Ukrainian flag. You see this fucking shit all over Boulder, the epicenter of “We’re going green by encouraging new homes like these” and making lapping gestures at Hillary Clinton’s serrated and felonious pussy from a comfortable distance. What is means is “I support poor black people, and I do it by cheering on the redistributions of government money from potential social causes to a war involving nothing but white Europeans.”
All of these people are fucking stupid.
While I have consistently alienated all of these people for supposedly being un-Woke—just a bitter white middle-aged man uneasy with all the idea of a more diverse society—I have insisted all along that, no, you Gen Z shitheads and younger-Millennial cocksuckers, I voted for the stuff you’re yelling about for decades on end, all of it. Same-sex marriage, abortion, weed legalization, tax increases on the rich, universal healthcare—I was a reliable “yes” on all of it. But because I had the temerity to point out the brazen insincerity and one-sidedness of running’s version of social-justice activism, these gutless libtards declared me an enemy.
I’m not saying that to establish any tribal bona fides; those are all history. I’m emphasizing myself as one example of millions of people who will never again vote for a Democratic political candidate (or, admittedly, anyone else).
(It surely doesn’t help that I have a sense of humor that strains the tolerance of even less-sensitive readers, while Wokish people have absolutely none. None. It’s not enough that someone votes in the right direction; if someone every single idea and tweet doesn’t conform to a narrow version of a Wokish narrative, then it’s radioactive and so is its source. The need for safe spaces on the part of emotional cripples—especially emotionally crippled, puking-prone, ever-masochistic trail runners—is very real, and really annoying.)
Anyway, here we* are, and the only “social justice” efforts I’ve seen from running and fitness companies in the past two years have been more brazenly insincere than anything I can come up with. With HOKA and a smattering of other companies relying on the same black, female, cowardly-ass scammer who lies about everything she does, can’t finish races, pretends to be suffering from about fifty different diseases, and continually insults people shows exactly how these companies really feel about social justice. I mean, I’ve said this before, but anyone who thinks that Latoya Snell represents the best that a fat woman of color can do belongs high in the leadership of the Ku Klux Klan. Throwing a few shoes and race entries at a tiny handful of people of color or gender-switchers is so obviously a non-action in a greater scheme that you’d think more “liberals” would catch wise. I’d bet that Snell herself, despite her far-gone-retard exterior is acutely aware of being used as a 300-pound, melanin-rich token.
I will admit in closing that this crew hasn’t completely forgotten about politics. Strout just today has been adding to her canon of shitposting.
Clearly, Strout and her fellow harpies, along with rank opportunists like Chavez, understand dimly that the phenomenon of politics is still out there. They’re just not interested in the parts they say they are when clout-chasing means talking about national-level politics.
These people and their slow-thinking, slow-moving supporters are frauds, they are pussies, they are dumb, and they are illiberal in the extreme, especially when it comes to speech suppression. That they have all gravitated toward running has me convinced that there is indeed a god, and it’s one sick, dingleberry-chomping, meth-smoking lunatic who intends to soon wash away humanity with an explosive and toxic ejaculation, even if from our perspective this will just resemble an unusually lethal, even climactic war.
(This effort was originally to be part of my review of Outside, Inc.’s recent culling of staff, but it took on more independent life than I anticipated it would.)