Aug 22, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

O My! Superbly written as always--and nobody will ever accuse you of being humorless. My problem is my naivete.I believe what I read and am told,taking at face value what I should question. It's a flaw.This is not the same sport we knew back in the 80's,and for me the 70's in NH. I had no idea this guy was such a fraud.I just checked out his Wikipedia page,and yeah--he seems to engage in hyperbole.There are too many of these attention-starved nuts today.They also updated the phony coyote attack story. Press on!

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But if you were a coyote and could have bitten Kamazes, wouldn't you have? Where have you gone, Park Barner?

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

I dropped a link to this in Eric's URP post yesterday.

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The ephemeral nature of social media is part of the reason bullshitting has increased over the years. There’s often only a small cost, as one can make a claim and have a moment of fame, and by the time it gets debunked, people have already moved on to the next slop of bullshit. Furthermore, everyone just wants to be a part of the show, so while most of us are marvellously critical of people like Dean, what we have to say is replaced by supportive messages because no one wants to be piled on. Trail and ultra running have so many undeserving, talentless celebrities, but betraying the “community” of the sport likely means fewer support crew members. I’ve experienced the quick vitriol of its adherents simply because I said I didn’t think there was a need to actively get more women into ultra-running, and that reserving big race entries for women only isn’t fair. Again, I appreciate your willingness to just be direct and offer your own assessment. You say what I wish I had the balls to say under my own name.

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