Apr 4, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Fantastic article! It's nice to see people that aren't blinded by the bullshit. It's funny that the "trust the science" dipshits somehow have failed actual biology so miserably; thus calling anyone transphobic that presents biological truths to them in debate. This progressive army of dunderheads is baffling, but not surprising, as I used to have punk rock friends that were pedantic and close-minded, while being sickeningly virtuous to anyone that would listen to them.

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Women's Running has never been all that pro women. Occasionally, they bring on a writer who has a nice message, but their bias is constantly showing. Not that long ago, the magazine looked like any other fitness rag targeting women with suggestions on how to lose weight with fad diet tips like sucking on cough drops when hungry. This only changed slightly when complaints caused editors to replace "weight loss" with "manage weight" or other euphemisms. Today, the journal hires writers who use shady tactics when covering controversial issues, usually giving some facts while intentionally omitting others related to the story. For example, when publicly supporting a white women banned for doping one writer associated with the magazine omitted the fact that while nandrolone is found in pork, it's not usually in the kind of pork served in restaurants/food trucks and not at the levels that would cause an athlete to receive a four-year ban. Little details like this are important when covering a big story. But excluding cis women from conversations about transgender women in competition and shaming or blocking anyone who disagrees shows how little they truly care about women's sport. All the suggestions to "BE NICE!" and "SHOW RESPECT" is bullshit if you can't extend the same courtesy to others "FUCK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY!" It's just talk.

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