Dec 8, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

I ask, again, for you to define your terms.

When you say "woke" what do you mean?

And please expound on the mantra "From the river to the sea".

I appreciate your writings.

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I appreciate your response and explanation. The history of that region is long, complicated, and disputed, and depends on your source, ancient or otherwise.

Just like America's history, and we have only 500 years to debate/disagree over.

Ask Native Americans their opinion of Columbus, or Andrew Jackson, or all the treaties Congress approved and then abrogated.

Ask Africans kidnapped and sold into slavery in the Americas their opinion on Mr. Jefferson's "all men are created equal" concept. No need to inquire with the female slaves in his household.

Ask anyone except white, Christian males about manifest destiny and God's divine plans.

Keep up the good work. But I implore you to avoid sexualizing your comments. It detracts from your prose. Disagree, not demean, please.

On Fri, Dec 8, 2023, 7:46 AM Kevin Beck <forum@mg1.substack.com> wrote:

Kevin Beck replied to your comment on A demonstration of why anyone who still believes or repeats White House claims about ANY of the U.S.-sponsored violence abroad is insane or personally corrupt.

I try to use "Wokish" every time instead of "woke" because I mean one simple thing: Deliberately insincere "social justice" overtures. That's it. Intentional grifting, lying, or creating controversy (usually all three). It doesn't include anyone who believes they're doing social good and may be doing the opposite, though I admittedly write as though I harbor distaste for social progressives, I wish there were more people like Briana Joy Gray left. I voted for Obama twice and almost voted for Hillary (I u;timately abstained in 2016). I think we probably want pretty much the same things and detest the same people once they are properly identified. Too many Bushes and Clintons and Cheneys and even Trumps... As far as that chant newly placed into third-rail territory, my faint understanding is that both Israels and Palestinians have used that phrase, obviously with different ideas in mind. I suspect it's one of many things that's been in the air for 75 years now. I'm sympathetic to every human being on the ground over there, including all the unwilling IDF soldiers. In addition to wanting to preserve the luxury of being able to speak freely not so much about the conflict but about the people trying to control the narrative about the conflict, I deeply appreciate the luxury of not being personally threatened by military action right now.

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© 2023 Kevin Beck

Boulder, CO

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