
If you look at the Google list of celebrities on Ozempic, you will see quite a few who never needed to lose weight in the first place or who had already lost weight through diet and exercise. You also see a few who have admitted to having eating disorders. Any doctor who would prescribe a drug like this to someone who has struggled is diabolical. My guess is, in addition to the points you already made, this drug will cause a lot of carnage in the eating disorder realm if it hasn't already.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

Ozempic has been a miracle for my uncle who struggles with poorly controlled diabetes. Will it be the right choice for him long-term? Who knows, but he was a hairsbreadth away from losing his foot to amputation earlier this year.

Not sure what to think about it on a larger scale. Most Americans are overweight. Are we going to put the entire country on Ozempic? Like you start taking it after yo go through puberty? Horrifying thought.

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