Dec 23, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

Did you know SIDS is the number one killer of children? People love to re-define what a "child" is to make their pet cause the number one killer. For example, I saw one study where they defined a child as someone 1-19, inclusive, thus excluding infants, and labeled guns as the number one killer. But it's really SIDS. People aged 0 are children, and people aged 18 and 19 are not. 50%+ more kids die of SIDS, and gunfire deaths are majority suicides.

Having had three babies and not wanting them to die, I've spent a lot of time thinking about and reading about SIDS. There are a host of recommendations for how to avoid SIDS, and they actually work quite well in the sense that we've actually decreased the rate of SIDS by about half over the last few decades. That's thousands of babies who used to die and now live! The number one recommendation is "back is best." All of the recommendations make your baby sleep less and wake up more - no blankets or stuffies in the bed, no soft mattresses, no bedsharing, no formula, etc. Definitely worth it, unless you're literally losing your mind at 3 am with a screaming infant who won't sleep.

I'm not convinced vaccines increase the rate of SIDS / "cot death" given we've greatly increased the number of vaccines given over the decades, but the rate of SIDS has been decreasing, thankfully.

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BUT the "smart people" whose brainwashing a.k.a. "medical education" is bought and paid for by pHARMa say they save lives and "correlation does not equal causation".

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