Jul 8, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Excellent article. I'm triply vaccinated but I despise the double-talk and above all, the silencing of dissent. (I'm also, ironically, currently recovering from Covid. Ha.)

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

If all these quadruple vaxxed sheep simply wore their damn masks and confidently inhaled the micro plastics, we all would be safer. But they are too selfish. They all believed medical professionals, the government, and "scientists." All they needed to do was simply FoLlOw tHe SciEnCe!!!!!!"

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Kevin Beck

Wait for it. The self proclaimed scientist who spends hours on social media making IG stories will try to re-educate you on anything covid related. You clearly are not afraid enough, Kevin. It's about time you are scared. Otherwise you are wrong.

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I had a stroke 2 months after my first and only jab. It's really crazy how horribly progressives/liberals treated the unvaccinated; cheering on the firings of people that didn't comply with mandates and coerced shots; celebrating the deaths of unvaccinated people etc.

I will never trust another "scientist" concerning vaccines and climate alarmism again. Never did trust the climate bullshitters with all their predictions of an imminent "ice age" all throughout my public school years.

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