Maybe I'd have been a better runner if my high school or college coach had been a believer in body composition testing. Maybe I'd have been a better runner if I'd HAD a high school or college coach rather than just doing my own thing.

I definitely could have done with carry less fat through the age of 20 or 21. My grade school nickname was Fatty, and it wasn't meant ironically. When I went to the beach of a pool I used to spend the whole time in the water so as to minimize the amount of time my flab was on show. I wish I had some record of what my weight was between the ages of 13 (when I stopped growing taller) and 20. Although I have grade school report cards from before then listing my height and weight, none of the later ones listed either metric. I know approximately when I decided to try to lose weight, but even then I didn't keep track of how my weight was changing.

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