Thinning the herd via mRNA injections is probably going better than the project managers expected
The next step in weaponizing an already unchecked torrent of bullshit is normalizing its flow while rendering alternatives invisible. That part of the project is well underway
About 230 million Americans are considered fully vaccinated against covid-19. Almost all of these people received either two doses of either the original Moderna or BioNTech (Pfizer) mRNA-based product rolled out domestically in early 2021, although a small fraction of the 20 million who opted initially for the Johnson and Johnson “one-and-done” non-mRNA-based product (as I did) were later convinced to receive a dose of mRNA product to be considered fully vaccinated (which I was not).
An additional 56 million of those “fully vaccinated” Americans also got the mRNA-based bivalent booster. This means that around a quarter of a million Americans have received two doses of a mRNA product rushed to market after sham testing, with 56 million of those having been subjected to three doses.
The Ethical Skeptic (TEC) continues to sort through weekly mortality reports from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and release regular estimates on Twitter of the total number of excess deaths the U.S. has experienced over the past two-plus years, along with updates on especially alarming trends in cause-of-death subcategories. The media are largely ignoring this, although we* occasionally see flak pieces expressing alarm and blaming the phenomenon on factors the TEC has painstakingly and firmly ruled out, while—almost hilariously, really—not even mentioning the covid jabs at all, as if no one is wondering about this “possibility” in this fucked-up country.
You’ll have to enlarge the image blow, a graph of non-covid natural cause mortality (NCNCM) in the United States, even if you’re looking at it on a PC. Note that this deals only with natural-cause mortality, so underlying causes of death (UcOD) that include accidents, drug overdoses, and suicides are excluded.
The reason TEC chose Week 14 of 2021 as an inflection point is that this was shortly after the U.S. population began undergoing exposure to one or more (theoretically) undetermined lethal environmental factors at a mass, and eventually near-total, scale. TEC calls this offender “Factor V,” and assigns to it an IFR (infection fatality rate), or de facto mortality rate, of 0.24%, or about 1 in 417. (TEC also assigns an IFR of 0.18% (1 in 555) to covid-19 infection itself; as this is at least twice as high as most serious estimates, TEC can’t be considered a “covid denier.”)
The dark orange line represents the expected number of deaths of this type, while the bright salmon-colored line is the actual number. The difference, or vertical distance, between these lines at each time point is the number of excess deaths in the corresponding week on the x-axis.
The σ (sigma) refers to standard deviation, meaning that number the excess deaths the U.S. has experienced since Factor V was introduced is five standard deviations from the norm. A “five-sigma event” has a 0.00003% chance of occurring purely at random (about 1 in 3.5 million).
PEF stands for pull-forward effect, which is an expected decrease in a nation’s deaths in a given year following a year that includes an event that kills an unusual number of vulnerable people. In short, thanks to covid-19, there weren’t as many elderly or ailing people around at the start of 2021 available for dying as there were at the start of 2020. TEC also controls for background noise such as the country’s slow natural population increase.
TEC puts the current death toll of the mRNA shots at well over half a million in the U.S. alone. And note in the graph that the number of excess weekly deaths shows no sign of returning to normal; in fact, at the moment, it appears to be worsening.
TEC has stratified and carved up the death data in the expected ways, looking at excess deaths in specific categories and across age groups. As TIME noted last month in a “this is why” story that (YUK-YUK-YUK!) does not even contain the word “vaccine,” younger Americans have been dying in frightening numbers.
TEC addresses excess non-natural-cause mortality elsewhere. He calls this SAAAAD-”suicide, addiction, assault, accident, abandonment, despair.” He reckons that since the start of “panic policy” (e.g., widespread lockdowns, school closures), around 148,000 Americans have died. Not surprisingly, they quit being careful, took more risks than ever in the idle, unproductive time they never previously had or wanted, and paid for it; others decided in a more straightforward way that they had nothing left and plain gave up.
Many of those who quit were probably tired of being accused of being liars and dupes by Americans who themselves proved to be liars and dupes; vicious shaming has disproportionate consequences to the constitutively infirm, the easily rattled, and the lonely.
Now that the jabs-campaign is over and almost no one is still getting boosted, it’s tempting for even those capable of acknowledging how evil the mRNA shots are to think, “At least the damage is done.” For example, since myocarditis alone is now known to be a significant killer of younger males (a story that keeps getting worse), it’s tempting to assume that everyone bound to die from their jabs has already done so.
The problem is that the jabs are known to affect the immune system in ways likely to lead to neoplastic growth in some people, such as chronic T cell and IgG4 suppression. That can take time. And the number of people under 55 dying of cancer lately is also off the charts.
Anyone who wants to argue with TEC will have to poke holes in his methodology, since anyone can get the data he has even if fewer than 1 in 10,000 understand what he’s doing with it and how. He is looking at the one thing the CDC can’t completely hide: corpses. The CDC has been assigning an unusual number of deaths codes that translate to “Unknown, will deal with later” in an effort to falsely flatten the excess-deaths curve in specific areas by waiting months or longer to assign a UcOD.
Meanwhile, here’s one of countless lies Americans were told about the jabs two months before they were rolled out.
If you're tempted to argue with the number of Americans killed by mRNA shots, it’s probably because you were hammered with shit like this for so long that millions of Americans would admit does not cohere with their own experience.
My friends who got either the Moderna mRNA series or the BioNTech (Pfizer) mRNA series have all gotten covid at least once by now, and for most of them, the experience sucked. So did the second jab, usually, in the two-shot series. If I have gotten even a cold since 2018, I haven’t noticed it, and the few others I know who elected for the Johnson and Johnson shot have fared well.
I won’t get into the explosions of miscarriages-and-stillbirths here other than to call attention to some of the information the FDA unsuccessfully tried to delay releasing to the American public for 75 years:
About all anyone can do at this point is hope to not become the victim of, say, a “mysterious” heart attack or stroke and refuse to submit to any experimental injections released in the future labeled as medications or vaccines. Some of these are already on the market, such as Ozempic.
In a mostly incidental burst of distributing good advice, Women’s Running recently published a piece advising against the use of this drug.
All you actually need to know about Ozempic are these things:
It’s given by (subcutaneous) injection.
It’s being madly pushed by the media.
It’s intended to be taken for life.
It has serious adverse side effects.
Anyone who is easily talked into taking any drug like this is, in a practical sense, hopeless. And while surviving life itself in America from now on will be about dodging a lot of things, FDA-sponsored-and-approved biohazards will be among the most critical of those missiles and traps to avoid.
Most people understandably didn’t know better come the spring of 2021. Millions of previously complacent people have begun arising from their system-trusting slumbers, but to what extent, and what effect this will have on the zealots running the whole show, is unknown.