Mar 8, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

A most excellent rant. Thank you. Infantile straw manning makes me raving lunatic too. It serves as a deflective shield that accomplishes nothing. Fox News is one single news organization bobbing in a sea of woke neocon bullshit, and it's the problem? Spare me the tribal idpol indignation and wake the fuck up.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

you feel strongly about this stuff?

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Neither Russell Brand nor you have presented any reasonable evidence that MSNBC hosts said things THAT THEY KNEW AT THE TIME to be incorrect. There is a big difference between saying things that later turn out to be incorrect and saying things that one knew at the time to be lies. What has recently come to light is that when Fox hosts were going on about the 2020 election having been stolen, they knew it wasn't true.

I don't watch MSNBC or Fox or any other TV show/network. I do read news on some websites, both left-wing and right-wing. Most fun right now is the conservative (London) Telegraph attacking Conservative Party politicians (who that paper usually supports) about knowingly imposing stricter COVID-19 measures than necessary. (It was already well known that then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson had ignored his own government's restrictions on at least a few occasions.) See: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/lockdown-files/. (That might be behind a paywall. I am a subscriber -- although I dislike the paper's politics their coverage of international sport is good.)

I haven't seen any good evidence that the sources of information that you like are more trustworthy.

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People need to forget about the idea that anyone is on anyone's team and that "If I make critique X, I must like other people who make critique X and favor the nefarious reasons/uses critique X appeals to them". I don't give a fuck that anything I believe helps "the other team" do equally shitty stuff - I'll deal with that stuff when it comes up. Not everything that "helps my side" is good and not everything that "hurts my side" is bad. I only have micro-sides, not macro-sides. One of the reasons I hate in-group circle jerks is because it discredits any good observations that group might have - everybody becomes stupid when all they do is surround themselves with people who think the same way. 90% of disagreement is initially in good faith, but when you get a handful of cynical assholes weaponizing disagreement and the noxious idea people should be on a "team" you get the dipshit political/social discourse we have now. Its so easy to see this dynamic at work when people assume because I believe X, that I also absolutely MUST believe empirically unrelated Y and Z that other people who believe X believe and they go straight to attacking Y and Z instead of concentrating on X.

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