Feb 5, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

"motormouth ex-runner" is being way too kind

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As bad as the social pressures are in this country to be thin, I would hate it even more if America were anything like Mauritania in West Africa when it comes to weight.

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I'd wager somewhere in Africa daily someone cracks a completely accurate joke wondering why (white) American tourists are so fat. These people haven't noticed that Americans in general are fatter than probably black people from anywhere but here? You'd think wokeness (much more convincingly) would see the colonization as the assault on our population with cheap garbage foods to addict and sicken that make people fat independent of the debunked "energy balance" theory of obesity. I'd say standing up to obesity would be the radical decolonizing act.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

The minute that I realized that rules during '20 didn't apply to closely packed woke mobs was when I realized COVID was not serious as I thought at first (obviously, in March '20 it seemed scary). After Floyd and the virus NOT spreading like wildfire, I knew it was about safety theater.

As far as the obesity thing--that's a tough one because those in power will do everything they can to silence independent (neither right nor left) voters!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Kevin Beck

And just like that... I had the thought of Lie’Toya and her hubby. He’s half her size (or less).

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On top of the media directing the public to eat up the Woke narrative, you have runners who are positive to the point of being toxic and giving wrong info.


They mention a certain New Hampshire runner who ran her 14-miler at 8:22 pace today. Her PR is 3:5x and she's running her LR at MP or faster. EZ runners doing 14@8:2x are usually 2:50-3:10 guys or 3:10-3:30 girls. She has the ability to handle 60-80 mpw (a talent, to be fair, but her PR should be in the 3:20-3:30 range if she would slow down!) but the problem is her overtraining is sending the wrong message to impressionable peeps new to running.

The key is that these kiddos don't realize how powerful social media can be if they screw it up and the wrong message gets to their audience. It's like light saber training. There's a reason why it took years for Jedis to master them...

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What is regarded as "fat" has changed substantially over my lifetime. When I was "Fatty" Couper in grade school more than 50 years ago, I was admittedly somewhat overweight, but to a degree that would be completely unnoticeable today. I was certainly nowhere near being obese.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

>> I’m not sure fat black women have even existed “for centuries” in significant numbers.

>> They’re a lot harder to find in East Africa than they are in Western countries where

>> practically everyone is overweight.

I can't speak for East Africa or for centuries, but as far back as at least the 1960s some Black women in South Africa wanted to be plumper. See, for instance, the line "All the men like her bottom to be fat" in these lyrics from a South African musical (that went on to tour Britain and the US) :


Youtube has the version of the number recorded when the musical was on Broadway:


I am current reading a novel by a Black male (former) South African (Zakes Mda), set in South Africa, and he also mentions Black men wanting Black women to be plump.

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